Will blog about it another day,
replying tags on my next post cos i'm rushing out! (:
Day 2 in Bintan!
We went to play paintball!!!
It's my 1st time playing paintball, lol.
The paintball gun is very heavy!
The people-in-charge told us the rules, instuction etc
and we were asked to go and get
our overalls & helmet blah blah
Omfg, the overall is damn ugly. lol
and my head is too small and the helmet keep sliding down
and obstructing my vision when i was running
and trying to aim at the other teams and trying hard not
to do something stupid like trip over a tree truck or something..
The 1st round everyone was damn careful!
Then the guys made us play girls against girls,
hahahas, i was with wanying's group and
i did something really funny and stupid..
Super paiseh i tell you! @#$%^&*
I've noooooo idea why am i so darn blur okay!
We're suppose to go across the field
to get our team's flag right?
And the other team's flag is nearer to
our team's "home base" right.
I actually made a run, grab the other team's flag,
and i didnt even realise i took the wrong flag okay!!!
Hahahahs, i'm like, the joke of the day. :x
have alot of brusies after the gaaaaame,
boyf have like 4-5 bruises! Awwwww.
Hahahahas, another of our friend got one on his BUTT!
Went back to the villa and took a bath after paintball
then went swimmmmmming!
Me love the poooool! (:
It's overlooking the beach so it's super-duper-whooper windy,
It's like when you stand near the edge of the pool
you can't really open your eyes cos it's so windy
there will be like water spraying on your face constantly.
Went back to the villa, took a bath and
i was watching some shark programme on
discovery channel and i fell asleeeeeeep~
Woke up, went to this "The Kelong" place for dinner.

It's not even a real kelong! It's a kelong kelong. -.-
the seafood is not that great/fresh luh.
And those 10 pax dinner set menu looks like
those wedding dinner menu. Sooooo boring!

It was my 1st time trying it & boyf told me
even singapore one taste nicer/fresher!
Seeee! the kelong is kelong!
(Btw, kelong = fake right? Lol, i forget who told me that,
Sculley bluff me one luh, wanna make me paiseh only!)
We cross this bridge across to a bar connected from the kelong.
Cos it's like in the middle of the sea,
it's freeeeezing cold and windy!
Then justine told us a scary story,
he said that time he went to marina square kbox,
then when the four of them wanna go pay,
the manager insisted that there is 5 of them
and want them to pay for 5pax.
then they like.. huh? Why pay for 5 pax?
... only got 4 of us!
Then the manager show them the security tape,
and there was a figure sitting there all along!
OMGGGGGGG, marina square kbox leh..
Chilled at the hotel's bar after that.
and they performed with guitar, cello, congo and stuff
without even microphone or speakers!
It's really nice, whoa, but it's really super,
He sang like super loudly and nice..

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